2011, Number 2
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CorSalud 2011; 3 (2)
Leukocyte count and glycemia in the prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Usefulness of leuko-glycemic index
León AE, Pérez FGA
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 93-102
PDF size: 203.20 Kb.
The white blood cell count and glucose levels, performed on admission in patients with acute coronary syndrome, have been demonstrated as useful tools and provide prognostic information routine hospital and medium term. In numerous studies, with a large number of individuals, has found that those with elevated glucose values, regardless of whether or not diabetics have higher in-hospital complications and more likely to die. Moreover, high levels of leukocytes have been associated with increased infarct extension, higher systolic dysfunction and hence increased complications and mortality. Recently, the index has been proposed as a useful marker leucoglucémico that easily combines both responses, although further studies are needed to validate their use in clinical practice. In this article we discuss the value of that index.
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