2011, Number 2
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RCAN 2011; 21 (2)
Nitrógeno ureico urinario como indicador del metabolismo proteico en el paciente crítico
Nicolás MAL, Alcántara S, Corbal A, Di Leo ME, Guillot A, Palaoro A, Ferraresi ZEM, Feller C, Santana PS
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 224-235
PDF size: 648.16 Kb.
Urinary urea nitrogen has been used historically as an indicator of protein metabolism. In addition, excretion of urinary urea nitrogen is invaluable for recognition of states of hypercatabolia. State of excretion of urinary
urea nitrogen in patients assisted in a Critical Care Unit (CCU), and the influence upon this indicator of clinical variables such as the main diagnosis, length of CCU stay, and condition on discharge; as well as others of nutritional value like the amount of energy intakes. Higher rates
of urinary urea nitrogen excretion were observed in patients admitted for trauma, those in which energy intakes lower than 80% of the prescription were recorded, and the deceased
patients. Diseased patients were also distinctive for their markedly negative accumulated nitrogen balances. It is likely that increasingly negative losses of urinary urea nitrogen point to patients at risk of dying. Measurement of the urinary urea nitrogen excretion should occupy a distinctive place among the nutritional assessment of the critical patient.
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