2011, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2011; 3 (2)
Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction in the convalescent phase
Rodríguez DM, Amigo GR, Amigo CP, Castañeda GCM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 138.37 Kb.
Introduction: the cardiovascular diseases constitute the first cause of mortality in the developed countries, especially the ischemic cardiopathy; that's why intervention
strategies that diminish the cardiovascular morbimortality and improve the life's quality should be promoted. According to these data a program of cardiovascular rehabilitation is put into practice.
Objectives: to evaluate the CR of the Primary
Attention in patients with AMI in Matanzas location.
Methodological Design: a cuasiexperimental, longitudinal and prospective study was made at Faustino Pérez Educational Hospital in Matanzas city, from January to December, 2005. The sample was constituted by 38 patients. An ET was made to all the patients before discharge, and it was compared with another one made 3 months later of the beginning of the
Results: symptoms as palpitations and precordial pain diminished significantly, and the dyspnea disappeared when the cardiovascular rehabilitation began. In spite of the significant increasing of the maximum media tolerated work
charge from 71,3 to 96,7 vatios, the CF, the SAT and DAT were similar in 3 months. All the variables that evaluated the physical capacity showed excellent results at the end
of the observation period.
Conclusions: it was concluded that the program of
cardiovascular rehabilitation showed favorable results and from them the corresponding socioeconomic benefits, not only for the patient, but for the society.
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