2011, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2011; 3 (2)
Evolution according ergometric stress tests of patients with acute myocardial infarction after three months of physical training
Rodríguez DM, Amigo GR, Amigo CP, Castañeda GCM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: the cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) constitutes a favorable way for the recuperation of patients who present an AMI. Based on these data, we put into practice a program of cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Objectives: to compare the results of the ergometric tests made to patients with AMI.before and after the cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Results: we found a significant diminishing in the positive of the tests; 45 %, initially, and a 24 % at the 3 months of physical training. In spite of the significant increasing of the maximum tolerated charge, the displacement of the ST segment was the same at the end of the study. Alterations during the test, like the hypertensive reaction, the typical precordial pain and the presence of arrhythmias
diminished significantly at the end of the study. From the 38 patients that began the study, 37 were already in the functional class I and II of the NYHA at 3 months. When
we stratify the risk, we found a significant increasing of the low risk (LR) Category in relation to the high risk (HR) category.
Conclusions: It was concluded that there was a significant improvement, from the ergometric point of view, in the patients who participated in the cardiovascular rehabilitation program.
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