2011, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2011; 13 (1)
Prophylactic antibiotic-therapy in General Surgery
González VJ, González FR, Martínez BML
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 83-88
PDF size: 34.99 Kb.
Antibiotic prophylaxis has been defined like the use of antimicrobials to prevent colonization of the multiplication of microorganisms in a sensible host and also to avoid the development of latent diseases.
The appropriate use of prophylaxis together the asepsis, antisepsis and meticulousness of surgeon contribute to decrease of infection rates. To use in a appropriate and rational way the perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is a basic element of a good medical practice and in its preventive conception it plays an important role in the surgery field.
Consequently we propose a scheme of perioperative antibiotics use in the different surgical service of the “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Clinical Surgical Hospital taking into account the microbiological map of the institution and the availability of drugs to avoid or to decrease the postoperative sepsis and to maintain the satisfaction status needed with the applied surgical treatment.
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