2011, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2011; 1 (1)
First report of cerebral surgery in Cuba
Pérez OL
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 90-96
PDF size: 620.74 Kb.
Objective: Our interest is to investigate through the history of our specialty by the review of bibliographical sources and documents in prestigious provincial, national and international institutions related fundamentally to the neurosciences.
Development: Skull trepanation is the most ancient surgical procedure that we know. The first skull trepanations were found in Peru 500 or more years B. C. Since then there´s a long way about neurosurgical report cases in the history of humankind. In Cuba since the first half of the XIX century began to appear articles about patient with neurological pathologies, but it was not until 1891 that the fact of a neurological procedure was published in the Cuban medical press as a remarkable deed. We searched about the first work of scientific character, appeared in the Cuban medical literature dealing with a procedure on the
brain. His author is Dr. Manuel Moreno de La Torre and the clinical discussion of the case, and the details of surgical
procedure are in volume 17 of the magazine
“Crónica Médico–Quirúrgica de la Habana” of 1891 under the title·
”Abceso cerebral, trepanación, curación, recidiva y muerte”.
Conclusions: We hope that our investigation will be a source of motivation for doctors and historians to go deep in the roots of each of the medical specialties, a lovely and instructive way to respect our predecessors.
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