2012, Number 1
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (1)
Educative program to qualify elderly people regarding the hidden depression. Manzanillo
Cueria BJM, Oliva RSP, Ortiz RL, Bauzá ZS
Language: Spanish
References: 8
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It was designed an educative program to qualify elderly people belonging to Angel Ortiz Vazquez Polyclinic in Manzanillo, in regards to the hidden depression due to the great attendance of these people to consults and emergency rooms from different hospitals, complaining of several somatic symptoms that were produced by a depressive state. For the performance of this work there were used theoric methods to favor its development and to obtain conclusions.
The possible practical effectiveness of the proposal was evaluated with the expert criterion. The practical significance stated that the actions of the elaborated educative intervention permited to increase knowledge in the elderly people regarding depression, and diminished this symptom in them, obtaining a higher quality of life in these
people. The economic impact reduced morbility and mortality,
decreasing the hospital expenses and favoring a better distribution of resources for the relief the economic of family and society.
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