2012, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (2)
The performance of the National Cervicouterine Cancer Control Program in a policlinic in Havana, Cuba
Ordás GA, García MAJ, Duany JN
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 2-7
PDF size: 670.12 Kb.
Objetive: To describe the performance of the Cervicouterine Cancer Prevention Program in the “5 de Septiembre” Policlinic.
Method: A transverse descriptive study that was carried out during the period of 2001-2005. The sample
consisted of all cytologies performed during the described period. The variables studied were: age, type of cytology, quality of the exam, recovery and cytological diagnosis. The performance of the Program was determined by the type of cytology and the age group; age variables and the quality of the exam were compared through the Ji-squared test, and the Pearson correlation was used to analyze the behavior of the recovery rates. Significant differences of p‹0.05 were considered.
Results: 7117 cytologies were performed, 469 new cases and 6652 re-exams (93.5%). The performance of the
Program for the 25-59 year old age group varied between 79.1% and 92.4%, and 89.4% and 97.9% for the 60+ age group. A normal cytology was the main result found and no cases of invasive carcinomas were informed. The recovery rates of the cytologies by unusable samples significantly increased in the investigation period.
Conclusions: Some irregularities were observed at the given policlinic in the carrying out of the Cervicouterine
Cancer Prevention Program, essentially given by the non- compliance of re-exams. The rate of unusable samples
was low, linked to an increase in the rate of recovery during the study period. The prevalence of intracervical
neoplasia cases in their distinct stages was low and no cases of invasive carcinomas were reported.
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