2012, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (1)
Pharmacological treatment compliance in hypertensive patients of select pharmacies
Alonso CL, García MAJ, López PP, Yera AI, Toledo FAM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 4-11
PDF size: 706.62 Kb.
Objective: To characterize the therapeutic compliance in a group of hypertensive patients assigned to the pharmacies of the country.
Método: A descriptive, transverse investigation. The main pharmacies of the municipality centers were included;
patients were selected via a simple random sampling using the Epidat program. A survey was used to collect the data which explored amongst other variables: time of hypertension diagnosis, medicines used, indicated treatment compliance, motives for noncompliance, and knowledge of the consequences of abandoning treatment.
Resultados: 77.9% of those surveyed referred that they follow their medical instructions. There was no statistically significant difference between the noncompliant treatment groups in regards to sex, nor in the relation of time of illness diagnosis. According to the medication, the figures of non-compliance were greater in Captopril and Hydrochlorothiacide users; the most frequent reason for noncompliance were forgetting (55.4%) and adverse reactions to the medications (21.6%).
Conclusiones: In the population studied high figures of antihypertensive pharmacological therapeutic compliance.
Forgetting and adverse reactions to medications were the most frequent causes of noncompliance stated; Captopril
and Hydrochlorothiazide were the most affected medications.
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