2014, Number 2
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EduMeCentro 2014; 6 (2)
Characterization of the social community environment as university extension in medical sciences
Machado BF, Calá GEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 279-287
PDF size: 112.38 Kb.
One of the essential duties of the university is its university extension. Its objective is to work with the aim of improving the quality of life in the community, and to work towards actions that contribute to the cultural development of society. The Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara, through its university extension, and through research projects, promotes actions and programs of health prevention aimed at the sustainability in the community. This article communicates the experience of a research team that assessed the problem of the quality of life in a community within the province, and the pertinence to
construct, through a tight link between the community and the university, actions that promote health in the community. This result is beneficial in the training of the health professionals for their future work in Cuba.
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