2014, Number 2
Methodology to have an influence on the sexual education of medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 142-155
PDF size: 127.25 Kb.
Background: the Medical University has the responsibility to educate reflective, creative and ethical professionals, who also have a high standard of scientific and technical training, in order to contribute to the development and progress of their social environment.Objective: devising a methodology for influencing positively those students with educational needs related with sexual education, on the basis of the diagnosis made.
Methods: in the 2008-2009 academic year, a descriptive research was done by using a quantitative methodology at the Villa Clara Medical Sciences University. The population was the first year students from the five faculties of the university, and the sample was made up of 184 students intentionally selected. Methods of theoretical level were applied to interpret the essential qualities of this area of discussion, and empirical methods were also applied, among them, observation, survey and documentary analysis.
Results: insufficiencies were detected in the students´ knowledge about sexuality, and also in the teachers and guides who interact with them. It was evident the need to apply a methodology to work jointly on the level of knowledge around diverse issues of sexual education, such as: diversity, social behavior, impact in the sexual health of individuals, gender identity and sexual preferences and practices.
Conclusions: specialists have the opinion that the designed methodology constitutes a system of training that satisfies the needs that were assessed, and is aimed at the attention of diversity, and the formation and development of contents that provide a responsible sexual health in the students.
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