2014, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2014; 4 (1)
Ehavior of domestic sow and her litter
Hernández-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 51-60
PDF size: 352.65 Kb.
This research is a review about the domestic sow and her litter behavior, in order to
know how to provide them welfare and how to reach high yields. It is about the newborn
and parturient sow behavior. The litter behavioral pattern in commercial systems of
production, the discussion of several influencing on it and lactating sow, emphasizing
the suckling, are also presented. The interval between suckling in a 28 day lactation
period, in the western part of Cuba, was 52.4 minutes, on average. That trait was
significantly influenced by age, whereas the day period was the most influential factor on
general pattern of litter behavior. It is affirmed that management labors at some hours of
work day interfere with nursing behavior of litter.
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