2014, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2014; 4 (1)
Growth factors of gross value on livestock production in the region of comarca lagunera
Ríos FJL, Torres MMA, Torres MM, Ruiz TJ, Castro FR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 38-50
PDF size: 388.41 Kb.
The objective of this study was to determine the monetary income per animal and the
effects of herd composition, physical yields per animal and prices in the Gross Value of
Production (GVP) of cattle in the Laguna Region in 2011. Economics descriptive
methodology, macroeconomic and static-comparative approaches were used
contrasting 2011 against 1990. Statistical data of livestock production sub-sectors: meat,
milk and eggs were analyzed for 2011 versus 1990. Results indicated that monetary
income per animal increased only in three species: goat milk (from $ 768 to $ 2.070) and
goat meat (from $ 319 to $ 750), and cow milk ($ 39.129 to $ 45.379), and it decreased
in the remaining animal species (beef cattle, pork, sheep meat and broiler chicken), also
that the VBP livestock grew 129.6%, from $ 10759.86 to $ 24705.5 million (constant
June 2012), and herd composition and physical yields were positive for economic
growth, because these increased by 3.69 and 1.01 times the GVP that it would have had
with their effects, but real prices when falling precipitously decreased the GVP 38%.
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