2014, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2014; 13 (1)
The nursing discharge plan and its impact on the reduction of hospital readmissions
Tixtha LE, Alba LA, Córdoba ÁMÁ, Campos CEM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 12-18
PDF size: 186.31 Kb.
Introduction: In 1984, there is the nursing discharge plan in the U.S. and this is included in the Medicare system, in order to reduce costs in the health system, so this quickly spread to Europe and Latin America. In Mexico there are few studies on the Nursing discharge plan, so it is necessary to evaluate the significance and impact of the implementation.
Material and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative, in a tertiary hospital. The study population consisted of nurses with bachelor’s morning shift. The survey instrument was divided into four sections (general information, preparation and content of the plan and the impact of its applicability.
Results: The plan’s recommendations focus on high: the drugs, warning signs and symptoms, home care and lifestyle modifications with 81% nurses apply it in oral and written form by 79%. More than 50% does not record this activity in the clinical record. Their application contributes to the right of patients to be informed, and the impact on hospital readmissions.
Conclusions: The application of the nursing discharge plan is one way to promote the reintegration of the patient into society, as it gives us a complete, fast and accurate health status of the patient.
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