2014, Number 04
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MediSan 2014; 18 (04)
Clinical and radiographic aspects of condensing pneumonia in children under 5 years
Tamayo RCM, Díaz TD, Leyva PYE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 536-540
PDF size: 48.07 Kb.
A descriptive investigation of 150 children under 5 years with clinical and radiographic diagnosis of condensing pneumonia --selected by means of a simple random sampling, admitted in the Pneumology room and that of the Progressive Cares to the Severely ill Patient at the Children Southern Teaching Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out
from January to December, 2012. In the series the variable age, sex, severity of the clinical pattern and associated complications were related to the results of the thorax X
rays, according to topographical localization, and it was obtained that 66.6% of the patients presented located swelling in the right lung, predominant in all ages, the pleural effusion was the most frequent complication (8.0%) which was relevant in the children with a damaged left lung (16.6%). Although the condensing pneumonias prevailed in the
right lung, the severity of the clinical pattern and the complications were more frequent in those who presented a swollen left lung.
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