2013, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (3)
Identification of psychological and educational needs in oncohematological patients
Angulo GL, Guerra MVM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: Cancer is a health problem with a high physical, psychological and social impact. Patients often lack the necessary information about the disease and how to cope with it.
Objective: to identify existing psychoeducational needs in patients with oncohematological illnesses, from their perspective and the perspective of their families and specialists responsible for their care.
Methods: a descriptive exploratory study was made. The sample selection was made through a non-probability sampling of incidental-casual type. The sample was composed of 40 patients with their family and 13 specialists. Document analysis, participant observation and semistructured psychological interview for patients, families and specialists were employed in addition to questionnaires to identify psychoeducational needs and methodological triangulation of all the information.
Results: It was found that some of the information needs of greater relevance that patients have, from their own perspective and that of their families and specialists responsible for their care are: disease awareness, self-care, treatment and management of emotional states.
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