2013, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (3)
Variables influencing on the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months
Cáceres FW, Reyes SMC, Malpica AE, Álvarez AL, Solís ML
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 245-252
PDF size: 212.70 Kb.
Introduction: exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age is considered ideal
for the newborn feeding, as it has been shown to guarantee growth and
development, it prevents common diseases in childhood and adulthood, and it
provides multiple benefits for children and mothers.
Objective: to determine some variables influencing the behavior of exclusive
breastfeeding up to six month of age of the newborn life.
Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted through the application
of a survey of 56 mothers whose children were 6 months old in four family
practices at Heroes of Moncada clinic from January to December 2012. The
necessary data from each mother and child were taken by applying a survey and a
form prepared for this purpose was filled in with these data.
Results: the group of mothers aged 20-35 maintained exclusive breastfeeding up
to six months of age. This was the predominant group (73.2%). 21.4% were
mothers with university education, who had more knowledge about the benefits of
breastfeeding. 42.3% of cases exclusive breastfeeding was interrupted due to the
mother return to work. Children who stopped breastfeeding got sick more
Conclusions: there are threatening factors to maintain exclusive breastfeeding
until six months of age in the newborn such as age ranges (younger than 20 or
older than 35), the low cultural level, and the need to return to work, that.
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