2013, Number 4
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Biotecnol Apl 2013; 30 (4)
Impact of native phosphate solubilizing bacteria on the growth and development of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) plants
Lara C, Sanes SC, Oviedo LE
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 271-275
PDF size: 226.92 Kb.
This work was aimed at evaluating the activity of native phosphate solubilizing bacteria on growth and development
of radish (
Raphanus sativus L.) plants. Bacteria were isolated from the Departament of Sucre (Colombia) soil using
selective media (NBRIP), further identified by macroscopic and microscopic observation and biochemically characterized
using the API System. Their ability to solublize phosphate was then evaluated using the vanadomolybdate acid phosphate colorimetric method. The microorganisms of the highest phosphate solubilizing capacity (
Enterobacter sp.
Klebsiella sp.) were multiplied up to concentrations of 10
6, 10
7 and 10
8 c.f.u./mL and then evaluated on radish
seeds. Eight treatments were used including witness control and commercial control. Biometric variables, root length,
leaf area and dry weight, for treatments T5 (biopreparation with
Klebsiella sp., 10
7 c.f.u./mL) and T1 (biopreparation with
Enterobacter sp., 10
6 u.f.c./mL) were statistically higher than the control treatment. In addition, no significant differences regarding dry weight were found with respect to T7 (chemical fertilizer). The growth and development of radish plants were improved in treatments inoculated with bacteria when compared to controls, confirming the positive effect of phosphate solubilizing activity of the native strains.
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