2011, Number S2
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (S2)
Morbimortalidy in the intensive care unit of the integral diagnosis center of Bejuma municipality
Morales ÁH, Hidalgo HR, Calzado RA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 177.72 Kb.
A descriptive observacional study of cross-sectional type was carried out addressed to know the
morbidity and mortality of patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the Integral Diagnosis
Center, Bejuma, Carabobo state, from july 2007 to June 2009. The universe was constituded by
386 patients older than 18 years admitted in this unit in the period mentioned before. The
objectives of this work were to describe the behavior of morbidity and mortality of patients
admitted to the intensive care unit. The main results were: female and 60 years group and older
were affected, 82.4% of admitted patients were from clinical speciality, pneumonia was the main
cause of clinical admission, the main cause of surgical entrance was the post-operative sequels of
hernia, 94.8% of patients discharged alive, pneumonia was the main cause of death.
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