2011, Number S2
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (S2)
Need for a coronary care unit for the admission of patients with acute coronary syndrome
Martínez RI, Cabrera CRJ, Suárez YE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 67.11 Kb.
It was carried out a observacional longitudinally descriptively prospective study which included
476 patients with acute myocardial infarction (72% of the ischemic cardiomyopathies) who were
admitted in the Service of Intensive Care at the General Hospital "Captain Roberto Rodríguez
Fernández" of Moron city during the quinquennium 2006-2010, to demonstrate the need to create
a Coronary Care Unit for the patients' admission with acute coronary syndrome. It predominated
the clinical form with pain in 92,4% of the patients and its most frequent location was in the
previous face. 61,3% classified like Killip I. In 55,4% the diagnosis was opportune (‹6 hours).
The trombolisis was carried out to 64,7% of the patients and the main cause of not made
trombolisis was the late diagnosis. 84,0% of the patients had the arterial hypertension as
pathological precedents. 31,5% presented disorders of the metabolism of the lipids and 13,4%
was diabetic. 79,8% of the patients discharged alive and 20,2% died. This demonstrated the need
for an UCC for the patients' admission with acute coronary syndrome.
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