2013, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2013; 80 (3)
Satisfacción percibida por los pacientes oncológicos en relación con el personal médico
García-Rodríguez FM, Becerra-Gálvez AL, Lugo-González IV, Reynoso-Erazo L
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 155-162
PDF size: 163.12 Kb.
Aim. To assess patients’ perceived satisfaction related to the medical staff-patient encounters on the Oncology Service of Hospital
Juárez de México.
Material and methods. Participants: 176 patients (55.6% hospitalized and 44.4% were approached outpatients).
We used a 18 questions survey with dichotomous response mode to assess the three areas of the physician-patient information,
care and attitude. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 17.0.
Results. On a global way, the work of medical oncology staff was
evaluated in a positive way by the patients. However, results showed that in the group of approached outpatients, when doctors
are not properly introduced to the patient and patient’s questions are ignored, patients’ dissatisfaction is higher. On the other
hand, hospitalized patients report as the main sources of dissatisfaction the following: waiting time for bed allocation, insufficient
information and inadequate medical checkups.
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