2014, Number 1
System of actions for the precocious diagnosis of the preeclampsia-eclampsia in Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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In the Consultation of preeclampsiaeclampsia risk the precocious diagnosis in their serious and early ways is carried out with the objective of presenting the results from the attention to gestantes with risk of this disease. A descriptive cross-sectional study is presented in the Municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province in 2009 and 2010. The sample conformed with 181 pregnant women to those that were applied a survey that included risk factors; strategies for monitoring and early diagnosis of serious and emerging forms of preeclampsia-eclampsia were designed. The extreme ages were 58.01% of the total, with 105 women to prevalence of the subgroup of the advanced maternal age - 69 (38.12%)-; the nulliparity, the preeclampsia antecedent, a new sexual couple and the previous deaths were the fundamental antecedents in the sample. Doppler flowmetry was performed in all patients and resulted in the persistence of early diastolic notch at 26 weeks the diagnosis element found in eight pregnant women, among which five presented serious and precocious preeclampsiaeclampsia. With a strategy of early monitoring in pregnant women with risk can make the diagnosis of major and emerging forms of preeclampsia -eclampsia and taking behaviors in early stages of these complications to minimize the adverse outcomes.REFERENCES
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