2014, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2014; 22 (1)
Implementación del plan de cuidados de enfermería al paciente con cirugía bariátrica
López-Morales AB, Barrera-Cruz A, Herrera-Villalba B, Salgado-Gómez M, Arontes-Jiménez R, Molina-Ayala MA, Rodríguez-González AA, Andrade-García RM
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 33-40
PDF size: 148.34 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity is a systemic, chronic and multi causal disease, which is related to genetic
suscepti bility, lifestyle and environment, and influenced by various underlying determinants, such
as globalizati on, culture, economic status, education, urbanization, and the political and social environment.
Comprehensive treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), like obesity,
requires high impact interventions that can be applied by a primary care approach to strengthen
early detection and timely treatment.
Among the sectoral strategies that assist in the comprehensive care of morbid obesity in México,
it stands out the disseminati on and implementation of: a) strategic programs for the care of pati
ents with morbid obesity, b) clinical practice guidelines on the treatment of morbid obesity, and
c) nursing care plans (PLACE, in Spanish) for the obese pati ent.
Development: This document describes the stages related to the design and implementation of the
PLACE for morbidly obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery in a tertiary care medical unit of the
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), specifi cally: a) the design and review of the plan of care b)
its dissemination and the training of nurses regarding obesity and the PLACE, c) use, and d) monitoring.
For this implementation, we included interventi ons in regards to professionals and to organizations.
Conclusions: The different actions proposed for training, dissemination, implementation, and
monitoring of nursing care plans should be approached from a methodological perspective to
ensure a favorable outcome.
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