2012, Number S5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (S5)
The philosophy, the process health-illness and the environment
Hernández CM, Hernández CM, Mauri PJL, García FV
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 727-735
PDF size: 48.87 Kb.
Introduction: the quality of life depends directly on the natural means and its quality. The valuation about the non alone health depends on the necessities and the individual's knowledge, but also of the conditions of life and work and of the means where he/she takes place the human relationships.
Objectives: to describe the evolution of the concept health-illness from the philosophical conception. To describe the changes happened in the environment that you/they influence in the process health-illness.
Method: he/she is carried out a bibliographical revision with the objective of to describe the evolution of the concept health-illness from the philosophical conception and to describe the changes happened in the environment and their influence in the process health-illness in fact based on the existence of the decisive ones of the state of health and the modification that suffer these for the constant social development and scientific-technician and for the man's own aggression on the means.
Results: the evolution of the concept health-illness has suffered transformations from the time from the primitive man to the present time and the changes happened in the environment they have caused alterations so much under the way and conditions of the man's life like in the process health-illness.
Conclusions: the concept health-illness has evolved in the same measure that the man has evolved during the course of the history and it will depend on the socioeconomic conditions of each society and the means where they take place the human relationships. The changes in the environment caused by the man's influence determine changes in the conditions and the quality of people's life and it
will rebound in an unfavorable way in the process health-illness.
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