2005, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2005; 7 (3)
Challenges in Teaching of Undergraduate Family Medicine: The Case of Mexico
Trejo-Mejía J, Estrada-Salgado D, Peña-Balderas J, Garnica-García J, Angeles-Cruz R, Díaz-Reyes J, Salinas-Velasco R, Luis-Hernández R
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 109-116
PDF size: 147.94 Kb.
The Academic Internship Program for medical students must be revised and modified regularly to be updated with the
health problems of Mexico, and we should implement new teaching models that allow for fortification of medical
education. There are important challenges inherent in the teaching of undergraduate Family Medicine, such as time
devoted to teaching in a global world with an increased number of students and with increasing institutional costs so that research efforts are limited. The tutorial focus implies real and imaginary obstacles; thus, we are required to make the
experience meaningful for the students to foster progressive responsibility in them for something that will stimulate
them to study patient problems to resolve them always under the supervision, consultancy, and feedback of their
professors. Self-directed learning is essential as a responsible attitude in the search for the highest quality of medical
care for patients. The Structured Objective Clinical Examination as formative assessment is very useful and it should be
generalized during the medical student’s clinical years.
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