2013, Number 608
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2013; 70 (608)
Secuencia rapida de intubacion en el primer nivel de atencion
Arias CWA, Ramírez CJL
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 671-678
PDF size: 182.22 Kb.
The insufficient amount of
oxygenated blood to the brain
and other vital structures is one
of the most important causes
of death in the patient with
multiple traumas or in cardiac
arrest. The prevention of the
hypoxia requires a permeable
and secure airway, and an
adequate ventilator support.
These two, becomes the priority
of treatment over the rest of
the options. Endotracheal
intubation is one of the most
frequent procedures performed
in the emergency room and
the intensive care units. The
knowledge of the protocols and
the drugs to use, are essential
factors to obtain an adequate
endotraqueal intubation and
a secure airway. A secure
airway requires a tube in
the trachea with the balloon
inflated, connected to some
way of ventilator support. The
first step to diagnose and treat
a, potentially fatal, airway
compromise is recognizing the
problem and identifies objective
signs of obstruction or limitation
in ventilation.
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