2013, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2013; 51 (3)
Climate change and its effects on health
González SY, Fernández DY, Gutiérrez ST
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 331-337
PDF size: 44.04 Kb.
Global warming has increased in the last 50 years. Climate change is the perceivable effect of global warming. Though climate change affects the entire planet, its behavior varies between regions. Human beings are responsible for climate change, which takes the form of variations in temperature, humidity and wind speed. Climate change affects all species, but it is in human health where the greatest damage is observed. The paper is aimed at describing the potential current and future impact of climate change on health. Online search was conducted in databases from the Virtual Health Library (MEDLINE, LILACS) and in Google Scholar. Forty-five publications were found, all of them in Spanish, of which 20 were included due to their updatedness. Most of the bibliography reviewed was published in the last five years. It is concluded that the effects of climate change on health require new mitigation strategies with a multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach of which health prevention and promotion are indispensable components.
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