2013, Number 2
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2013; 4 (2)
Relationship of periodontal disease and treatment on preterm birth
Meza CI, Garza SB, Martínez SG, Rodríguez FN
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 78-86
PDF size: 240.46 Kb.
For 10 years, the incidence of preterm birth has declined in developed countries despite the promotion of public health programs. Despite the multifactorial aspect of the causes of preterm labor, we have identified several risk factors that in some way or another been associated with preterm birth. These factors include infection. Although there are some conflicting results, most clinical studies indicate a positive correlation between periodontal disease and possible complications in pregnancy. The benefits of scaling and root planing in combination with a personal plaque control in the treatment of chronic periodontitis has been validated.
Methods: We searched PubMed and MEDLINE (1990 to December 2012). This review will include randomized controlled trials, observational studies examining periodontal disease and preterm delivery risk and nonsurgical periodontal treatment for prevention of preterm delivery. We identified 11 studies examining the relationship of periodontal disease to the risk of preterm delivery and 12 studies on nonsurgical periodontal treatment for prevention of preterm delivery of which 11 were selected according to the criteria and design quality.
Results: Although there are some conflicting results and potential problems underlying the uncontrolled risks, most clinical studies indicate a positive correlation between periodontal disease and possible complications in pregnancy.
Conclusion: Although further studies are needed randomized controlled to justify the need for periodontal treatment in these patients, and to determine what type of periodontal therapy is more effective in preventing preterm birth and establish a protocol for action in pregnant patients with periodontal disease.
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