2013, Number 3
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Rev Hum Med 2013; 13 (3)
Consent in the lumbar puncture. A proposal for execution
Martín HI
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 682-701
PDF size: 116.94 Kb.
Lumbar puncture is an invasive procedure, not exempt of risks and to do so it is
necessary to request the consent of the patient or a family member. This paper
provides practical and ethical elements necessary to carry out a proper informed
consent in patients to whom this procedure is practiced. Proposes a model of informed consent for this purpose which includes information on: the explanation of
the procedure, contraindications, complications and care after the procedure. It
highlights that informed consent for lumbar puncture, rather than a legal, or
institutional requirement constitutes an enforceable right by patients and an ethical
requirement for medical by which urges to establish it as a systematic practice.
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