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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (4)
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 627-636
PDF size: 61.17 Kb.
Introduction: between the illnesses that limit the perfect functioning of the visual
system there is the pterigyum that already, from remote historical epochs as that
of the Hippocratic's texts, turns out to be described as the conjunctivae invasion of the cornea.
Objective: to characterize clinic and epidemiological the patients with pterigyum primarily in the field of health Andrés Eloy Blanco.
Material and methods: it was carried out an observational study, descriptive of traverse court study with the objective of characterizing clinical and epidemically to the patients with primary pterygium in the area of health Andrés Eloy Blanco, municipality Barquisimeto, state Lara, Venezuela, in the period of September to December of 2007. The study universe was constituted by the 1580 patient with the illness and the sample for 320 patients after having applied the inclusion and exclusion approaches. The variables age, sex, color of the skin, occupation, symptoms, affected eye, localization and degree of the lesion were analyzed.
Results: it was the biggest frequency of patients between 30 and 39 years (29,69%), of the masculine sex (55,31%), non-white color of skin (77,5%) and with occupation of risk (77,19%). The symptomatic cases prevailed (87,19%), bigger affectation of the right eye (50,0%), nasal localization (67,29%) and the lesion degree I (60,05%). The group of ages understood between 30 and 49 years was the most affected.
Conclusions: prevailed the masculine sex, non-white color skin, the considered occupations of risk, the symptomatic pterygium, the symptoms redness, sensation
of strange body and ardor, the unilateral affectation, of the right eye and the nasal localization. The degree I was the most opposing, followed by the degrees II and III.
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