2013, Number 4
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2013; 12 (4)
The dilemma of the patient with mental upsets and of the conscience in the clinical practice
Serra VMA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 557-570
PDF size: 89.69 Kb.
Introduction: the patient with mental upsets, alterations of the conscience and of the conduct is frequent in practice clinical and not necessarily for psiquiatrical illness.
Objective: the objective of the present work is to emphasize in the clinical, fundamental reasoning in the application of the clinical method or prosecute in practice clinical diagnosis.
Material and Methods: it carried out to him a bibliographical revision on the topic through the consultation of biomedical bases of data of publications (PubMed, Hinari, SeCimed, Scielo, EBSCO, Google, LIS Cuba), to accede to articles fundamentally of the the last ones 5 years.
Development: were revised basic concepts, cause, clinical manifestations and related mechanisms, conduct and a revision on some drugs as problematic current included in the topic. As a result it will serve as orientation in the performance and takes it of clinical decisions of the topic put into port in practice clinical.
Conclusions: confront to the treaty topic requires of a correct application of the clinical method and an appropriate competitive level and play professional, not single in the internist, but in all related professionals to the attention related to the clinical practice in urgency and ambulatory.
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