2013, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2013; 85 (4)
Recommendations for the photoprotection at pediatric ages, a scientific evidence-based proposal
Acuña APM, Esquivel LM, Izquierdo IME, Fundora HH, Álvarez RMB
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 552-558
PDF size: 43.50 Kb.
Introduction: the increase of skin cancer and other illnesses related to ultraviolet radiations worldwide has been recognized by the World Health Organization that has urged to draw preventive strategies. There are different positions related to photoprotection at international level and the World Health Organization makes emphasis, among its recommendations, in the non-exposure of the under one-year old children to the ultraviolet radiations in a direct way, but these recommendations vary among countries and among international bodies.
Objective: to prepare scientific evidence-based recommendations for the photoprotection of Cuban children and adolescents.
Development: a qualitative design similar to a documentary research was used. Search engines and available databases in the Virtual Library of Health were used; additionally, subject headings linked to the topic of photoprotection, published in English and Spanish in the 2002-2012 period, were searched on. Scientific evidence about the rise of ultraviolet radiations and their influence over the human being were obtained. Recommendations were made and then evaluated by the expert group on this topic.
Conclusions: puericulture specialists may have updated recommendations on photoprotection aimed at Cuban healthy children and adolescents such as avoiding direct exposure of the newborn to sun rays up to the 6 months of life, classifying the skin phototype of each child or adolescent, and providing differentiated indications, as well as leading the education in photoprotection measures aimed at the family and the community.
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