2014, Number 01
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MediSan 2014; 18 (01)
Sexuality in elderly at the University for Older Adults in III Frente municipality
Cedeño SL, Atiñol TE, Suárez RM, León GLJ, Cedeño CBY
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 100-105
PDF size: 40.35 Kb.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 31 adults aged 60 years and over
enrolled in the University for Older Adults from Matías village, III Frente municipality,
Santiago de Cuba province, from December 2012 to March 2013, in order to characterize
the sexuality in these older adults. The age group of 65-69 years (41.9%), the elderly
with regular partner (45.1%), retirees (45.1%), extended families with alterations in the
dynamics, who reported having no privacy (54.8%) and their affective relationships with
their partners were regular, prevailed in the case material. It was remarkable that
58.0% did not have active sex and most (54.9%) believed that these relationships at this
stage of life were not necessary.
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