2013, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2013; 5 (2)
Survival in patients with kidney transplant. Prognostic factors
Valdivia AJ, Gutiérrez GC, Méndez FD, Delgado AE, Treto RJ, Fernández MI
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 253-275
PDF size: 482.45 Kb.
Introduction. The increase of number of patients with chronic kidney insufficient is a heath problem in Cuba and all over the world. Those patients have prognostic factors that affect their survival after kidney transplant.
Methods. A cohort study was performed in 88 patients who received kidney transplant in our center from January 1999 to December 2004. Each transplant was consider as a new subject (n=98). Population on study includes 67 males and 31 females with ages from 15 to 65 years old. The variables studied were: age, Diabetes Mellitus, acute tubular necrosis and acute reject; it was also consider type of downer (living or cadaveric). Patients were fallow up since transplant until the end of the study, readmition on dialysis or death.
Results. Majority percent of patients received cadaveric kidneys. (60.2 %). General survival was 82.7 % at the end of 1 year, 78.3 % after 3 years and 73.4 % after 5 years from the transplant and implant general survival was
61.9 %, 57 % and 52.4 % respectively. Patients and implant survival was superior in living downers on the 3 periods analyzed (p‹0.001). Cardiovascular disease was the prognostic factor who affects more survival. Implant survival was influence by cardiovascular diseases, vascular disorders, bleeding and lipids disorders. Principals main death causes were: infections and cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusions. Patients and implants survival was principally affected by cardiovascular diseases. Patients on pre-dialytic phase had a superior survival.
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