2012, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (3)
Nurse-led group therapy for older adults
Nance DC
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 139-148
PDF size: 369.51 Kb.
Introduction: this is the first study of nurse-led group therapy in Mexico.
Objective: examine the effects of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on depressed older adults.
Methodology: forty-one depressed older adults, with an average age of 71, participated in
nurse-led cognitive behavioral group therapy once a week for 12 weeks.
Results: participants experienced positive results in personal growth, changing negative thoughts,
and relationships with family. An important therapeutic factor was the support of fellow group
members. The nurses experienced positive personal and professional growth. Difficulties included
physician resistance and a too-rigid cognitive behavioral group therapy model.
Conclusions: a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and supportive group therapy
is recommended.
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