2013, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2013; 35 (6)
The teaching learning process of the clinical method. An experience with Medicine sixth -year students
Vidal TLA, Noda AA, Delgado FMR, Báez PE, Fernández MJ, Montell GO
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 606-613
PDF size: 51.63 Kb.
The clinical method is the scientific method applied to the work with patients and is an essential part of
the content the Medicine student has to know, requiring a constant correction during their daily
practice. An observational quantitative research was carried out in the Matanzas Teaching Pediatric Hospital Eliseo Noel Caamaño Álvarez. We worked with the universe of the Medicine sixth-year
students taking the matter of Pediatrics in the school year 2011-2012 (123 students). For collecting
the information we applied an observational guide structured on the stages followed in the clinical
method application, but characterized by deepening in each stage until reaching the saturation of the
obtained information via repeating observation. The stages taken into account are identification and
searching information on the patient´s problem, diagnosis and interpretation and finally decision taking
and communitarian projection. Among the first stage results, the biggest difficulty was the deficient
identification of the problem; during the diagnosis stage there it was lack of reasoning, and in the
decision making stage problems with the therapeutic behavior; the communitarian projection was not
successful. Though the students showed knowledge of the stages to follow in the clinical method, the
reasoning and application of the method is considered unsatisfactory.
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