2013, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2013; 14 (2)
Mortality of medical doctors from Jalisco. 2007-2008
Plascencia CAR, Pozos RBE, Valle BMA, Horta AME, Vázquez HDA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 12-16
PDF size: 76.88 Kb.
Objective: To determine the main causes of mortality in medical
doctors in the state of Jalisco.
Material and method: A retrospective,
cross-sectional, and descriptive design was carried out. The data collection was through the death records of deceased physicians in the state of Jalisco during 2007-2008.
Results: The study group was N =
83 death certificates, of which 75 (90,4 %) were male, and only 8 (9,6
%) were females. The variables were: causes of death, age, sex, marital
status. According to the results obtained on the underlying cause of
death, the most frequent were: oncological diseases, circulatory sysResults: The study group was N =
83 death certificates, of which 75 (90,4 %) were male, and only 8 (9,6
%) were females. The variables were: causes of death, age, sex, marital
status. According to the results obtained on the underlying cause of
death, the most frequent were: oncological diseases, circulatory system,
diseases of the blood, digestive system, where the most frequent
cause of death was oncological deaths, with 15, corresponding to 18,0
%. The bivariate analysis using the OR, showed that the variables that
showed significant association with oncological diseases, such as the
underlying cause of death, were females, with an OR of 5,8 and a 95
% CI 1,02-34,06, with a value of p of 0,01; the age of 70 to 79, with an
OR of 5,17, and a CI of 1,10-24,7; married marital status was shown
as a possible risk association with an OR of 0,96 and an IC 95% 0,23-
Conclusions: The female medical doctors, age 70 to 79 years
old, who are married, have a higher risk of dying from oncological
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