2013, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2013; 26 (2)
Behavior of retinopathy of prematurity in La Habana province
Baños COL, Toledo GY, Soto GM, Mier AM, Rúa MR, Lapido PS
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 294-306
PDF size: 79.36 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the behavior of retinopathy of prematurity in newborns weighing less than 1750 grams or with less than 35 weeks of gestation.
Methods: a retrospective, observational and descriptive study was conducted in the neonatology service of La Habana province in the period of January 2005 to September 2010. A total number of 207 livebirths with less than 35 weeks of gestational age and weight under 1750 grams, who had been admitted to the neonatal intensive units of the territory, were studied.
Results: in this group, 42.6% were newborns aging 33 to 34.6 weeks, and 42.8% weighing from 1250 to 1499 g. Immature retina was observed in 89.6% of newborns and 10.1% developed retinopathy of prematurity. Of these cases, 88.8% treated with laser had favorable recovery.
Conclusions: retinopathy of prematurity has decreased in the last few years despite an increase of low birth weight and prematurity. The gestational age under 34.6 weeks, the weight less than 1500g and the respiratory distress syndrome were the most important factors in the occurrence of retinopathy. The early diagnosis of the disease allows prompt treatment and reduction of sequelae as well as improvement of their quality of life.
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