2013, Number 3
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Investigación en Discapacidad 2013; 2 (3)
Epilepsy as a problem of disability
Olmos-Hernández A, Ávila-Luna A, Arch-Tirado E, Bueno-Nava A, Espinosa-Molina G, Alfaro-Rodríguez A
Language: Spanish
References: 80
Page: 122-130
PDF size: 200.71 Kb.
Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological disorders, affecting some 50 million people worldwide, of which 60% are undiagnosed or untreated despite the high effectiveness of the pharmacological regimen. The disease is characterized by an abnormal synchronization and increased neuronal electrical activity, and its etiology is variable. It presents with some level of impairment in cerebral higher functions such as memory, attention, learning, behavior, etcetera, resulting in a major cause of disability. Although there is progress in its study from the point of view of molecular genetics, neurophysiology, imaging and psychopharmacology, epilepsy continues to rank as a serious public health problem. A factor associated with the prevalence of the disease that influences its progression is the disabling of patients, that is often an obstacle to their social integration. This paper addresses general aspects of epilepsy as a public health and disability problem, to promote a better understanding of the disease both among health professionals and patients themselves.
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