2013, Number 12
Care for patients with benign breast conditions during 11 years
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 9146-9155
PDF size: 129.11 Kb.
A descriptive, observational and retrospective study was carried out in 1 551 patients with benign breast conditions, attended in "Mariana Grajales Coello" Provincial Teaching Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during the period 2001 - 2011 in order to show the clinical characteristics and treatment of these conditions. In the series breast dysplasia prevailed with its fibrous (39.3%), cystic (16.6%) and adenosis (27.7%) forms, followed by the fibroadenoma (12.8%). Pain prevailed in all the females with fibrosis; the pump in all women with fibroadenomas, cyst and papilloma. The nipple discharge was present in 100% of those who had ectasis and papilloma, and in 75% of those affected by adenosis as well. Hygienic-dietetic and hormonal treatment was administered to 83.7 and 53.1% of members of the series respectively. It is concluded that benign breast conditions are an important cause of morbidity in women of all ages.REFERENCES
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