2013, Number 12
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MediSan 2013; 17 (12)
Hidden morbidity from hypertension in adolescents
Terazón MO
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 9112-9119
PDF size: 84.39 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 85 seventh graders (at ages 10
- 15 years) of "Roberto Rodríguez” secondary school in Santiago de Cuba, during 2010,
to determine the hidden morbidity from hypertension in these adolescents. It was found
that 5.9% of the students had hypertension and were asymptomatic at that time; also,
there were risk factors associated with the disease such as history of developing clinical
entity in first-line relatives, toxic habits, unhealthy diet and obesity. Adolescents were
referred to pediatrics department to study them. Finally it was concluded that there was
hidden morbidity from hypertension in adolescents of this school, associated with genetic
and environmental factors (among others), of which some could be modified with proper
education to the family and young people affected.
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