2013, Number 12
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MediSan 2013; 17 (12)
Effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment in patients with non neurological low back pain
Smith AA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 9064-9074
PDF size: 65.04 Kb.
A phase II clinical and therapeutical trial was conducted in 120 patients with non
neurological low back pain, attended at the emergency ward and the outpatient
department of "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" Higher Institute of Military Medicine and "Dr.
Carlos J Finlay" Central Military Hospital, from January 2009 to June 2010, with the
purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment. Two groups of 60
patients each were divided, which were compared with a control group with the
same number of patients, but with drug treatment. It was found that patients
treated with acupuncture improved in less time, particularly those in group 2, so
that this technique was effective in relieving back pain in those patients it was
applied, while allowing to reduce the time of treatment, save medications and
achieve rapid return to work and social life.
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