2013, Number 3
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2013; 12 (3)
Nutrition and physical performance in athletes with intellectual disability and knowledge level of their caregivers
Hernández MBE, Caballero LAO, Estrada SAK, Guevara SML, Orozco MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 141-146
PDF size: 201.03 Kb.
Introduction: It has been proven that the population with intellectual disability presents health and nutrition risk factors;
however, there are only a few studies that characterize this problematic situation.
Objective: The purpose of this study was
to determine the food consumption, nutritional diagnosis, physical performance and hydration status of 179 athletes with
intellectual disability affiliated to the Guanajuato Special Olympics, from nine cities, as well as the knowledge level and
hydration habits of parents or caregivers.
Methodology: A descriptive, prospective and transversal study has been conducted. Food consumption was obtained through a validated semi-quantitative questionnaire; the nutrition diagnosis was
determined by anthropometric parameters; physical performance was evaluated by the tests DIDEFI
®; the hydration status
was calculated by urinary density using a refractometer; and the knowledge level, hydration and nutrition habits of the
caregivers were assessed by two validated questionnaires.
Results: The age group 11 to 20 years has the highest calorie and
macronutrient ingestion. In relation to the nutritional status: 43.6% is overweight in some degree and 4.5% underweight.
A tendency was found in the physical tests to monotonic growth in hand strength and abdominals per minute, a parabolic
tendency in horizontal jump and a random representation in trunk flexion. 56.42% of the athletes presented dehydration.
Regarding the parents/caregivers, their average knowledge was higher than their grade in the hydration habits questionnaire,
with a significant statistics difference.
Conclusions: The athletes with intellectual disabilities must be considered as
a risk group because of factors such as alterations in weight and dehydration, as well as their parents’/caregivers’ lack of
knowledge in nutrition and hydration, which could risk their health and physical performance.
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