2013, Number 607
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2013; 70 (607)
Depresión, el trastorno psiquiátrico más frecuente en la vejez
Navas OW
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 495-501
PDF size: 181.36 Kb.
The growth of the elderly
population has highlighted the
health problems associated with
aging, including psychiatric
disorders. Depression is a
chronic or recurrent disease
that has important negative
consequences because of its high
prevalence and its effects on
health. This disease is the leading
cause of suffering of the elderly
and the substantial decline in
their quality of life. At no other
stage of life, such as the geriatric,
combine physical, mental social,
causing reduction or cessation
of work, changes in the social
an economic level, coupled the
progressive loss of family and
friends, with decreasing the
possibility of establishing new
social relations. This article has
the objective of reviewing the
most relevant clinical aspects
of depressive disorder in the
elderly in order to provide the
primary care physician the
basic tools for proper diagnosis
and treatment.
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