2013, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2013; 36 (5)
Estudio sobre la experiencia de hombres atendidos en centros residenciales de ayuda mutua para la atención de las adicciones
Marín-Navarrete R, Eliosa-Hernández A, Lozano-Verduzco I, Fernández-De la Fuente C, Turnbull B, Tena-Suck A
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 393-402
PDF size: 279.39 Kb.
Addictive disorders and behaviors have increased in the past years
in Mexico. These behaviors and disorders are considered a public
health issue because of the social and economic strains they generate.
However, the state is unprepared to attend such high demands.
Non government organizations have arisen in order to fulfill this demand,
but it is known that many of them do not regard federal health
regulations and often they have infringed the basic human rights.
The present study has for objective to analyze the experience of
men who have been atended in self-help residential substance abuse
attention centers. Fifteen focalized interviews were carried out with
men of different characteristics, all of them having been attended in
at least two centers. The results help to understand the consumption
dynamic, usually linked to family abandonment and anger. It further
analyzes the unhealthy and inhuman services offered in many of
these centers such as poor feeding and hygiene services; many of
the men are admitted violently and against their will. It is concluded
that even though these centers respond to the demand that addictive
disorders have, they do not professionally and skillfully support a
rehabilitation process. It is thus of utter importance to guarantee the
training and proffessionalization of these centers’ staff through an
observation and regulation process.
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