2013, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2013; 36 (5)
Escala de Satisfacción Familiar por Adjetivos (ESFA) en escolares y adolescentes mexicanos: datos normativos
Tercero QG, Lavielle MPD, Muñoz HO, Clark PP, Medeiros DM, Hernández RA, Luque CM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 381-386
PDF size: 232.36 Kb.
Introduction:Familiar satisfaction results from the continuous interplay of verbal
and/or physical interactions between subjects and the other members
of their family. This satisfaction maintain relations to the coherence,
fairness, fun, support, lack of conflicts, affective proximity, confidence,
cohesion, adaptation, allocation and acceptance of roles and tasks,
open communication and the acceptance in general of the own family.
The use of developed psychological tests constructed in other countries
is a frequent practice in the world. The validation and standardization
of the test imply to establish measurement rules and scales of
qualification for a determined population, when it is different from the
original population in which it was created or where the instrument is
used habitually.
The objective of this study was to collect the normative data of the
Family Satisfaction by Adjectives Scale (FSAS) in children and adolescents
of Mexico City.
Material and methods:A cross-sectional study was performed in 476 men and women; 8 to
15 years 11 months of age. The survey family satisfaction by adjectives
scale (FSAS) by Barraca and López-Yarto was applied. The data were
analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v.17).
Results:The sample was conformed by 226 men (47.5%) and 250 women
(52.5%). Of these, 237 were children (8 to 11 years and 11 months
of age) and 239 were adolescents (12 to 15 years and 11 months of
age). It was found that Family Satisfaction by Adjectives Scale (FSAS)
has very good reliability ( α =.89), construct (50% total variance), content
and discriminative validity among children and adolescents (p.000).
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