2013, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2013; 36 (5)
Efectos del consumo de marihuana en escolares sobre funciones cerebrales demostrados mediante pruebas neuropsicológicas e imágenes de neuro-SPECT
Mena I, Dörr A, Viani S, Neubauer S, Gorostegui ME, Dörr MP, Ulloa D
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 367-374
PDF size: 869.67 Kb.
Comparative study based on 565 adolescent school children coming
from four schools in the metropolitan area of Santiago, Chile. All
were interviewed in order to select a sample that was stratified for
sex, class and condition of consumer or non-consumer. The variables
of intellectual coefficient and socioeconomical level were maintained
constant. With this selection we conformed two groups: 40 consumers
exclusively of marihuana and 40 non-consumers. We compared
the results obtained in both groups in the neuropsychological tests
while the neuroSPECT studies of consumers were compared against a
normal database for the same age group. The adolescent consumers
of marihuana demonstrate less cognitive capacity related to the process
of learning such as attention, concentration, ranking, viso-spatial
integration, immediate retention and visual memory. The differences
between both groups are statistically significant.
The findings of neuroSPECT demonstrate subgenual hypoperfusion
bilaterally, more marked on the left side, in area 25 of Brodmann.
This area controls mood. There is also frontal bilateral hypoperfusion
(area 10 and area 32 of Brodmann). Area 32 is pre-anterior cingulate
gyrus. Also hypoperfusion of the anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24 of
Brodmann) and hypoperfusion of area 36 of Brodmann that projects
over the hippocampus.
Students that were consumers exclusively of marihuana demonstrate
coincident abnormal findings of neuroimages and neuropsychological
tests in areas of the brain related with learning and also
significant differences between consumers with non-consumers in the
neuropsychological tests.
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