2013, Number 2
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2013; 21 (2)
Nursing process in the older infant with pentalogy of Cantrell with the approach of Virginia Henderson
Meza-Portillo CA, Olvera-Arreola SS, Cadena-Estrada JC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 63-70
PDF size: 155.69 Kb.
Introduction: Cantrell’s pentalogy is a syndrome characterized by defects in the lower part of the sternum, heart, diaphragmatic and abdominal defects. In addition, omphalocele and partial or complete ectopia cordis. The mortality rate is high and takes place in the first months of life; its main complication is septicemia.
Objective: To develop a nursing procedure applied to infant higher with Cantrell’s pentalogy with the focus of Virginia Henderson.
Methodology: Study of a clinical case of an elder infant. It was a descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study carried out during two months, based on the process of care, nursing, with the conceptual approach of Virginia Henderson. Fourteen human needs with validated assessment tool to establishes nursing diagnosis; the interventions were based on scientific evidence including comprehensive assessment and discharge plan.
Results: The most altered aspects were: oxygenation, safety, mobility and posture. We found four real diagnostics, six at risk and two without risk; generated sixty-three interventions with degrees of scientific recommendation from A to IV C. complications were avoided by implementing quality care.
Conclusion: The nursing process is fundamental to implementing quality care, even if it was not allowed to reduce the dependence of the infant to a total substitution nursing. There were no complications and the family was oriented. The literature does not report specific care for this population due to its low incidence and mortality.
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