2013, Number 2
Design and validation of a program for the registration of adverse reactions to blood donation and its components
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 50-56
PDF size: 519.17 Kb.
Introduction: The donation of blood and blood components is a procedure that involves internal an external elements which may become by interacting, determinans to trigger an adverse reaction during the donation; this is understood to be an unexpected event that threatens donor health. Objective: To design and validate and instrument to record adverse reactions to blood and its components donation in a systematic an orderly way to support nursing practice. Material and methods: Non-experimental, cross-sectional and prospective study in which and instrument was designed to record adverse reactions to donation. The instrument was validate by experts from different public blood banks in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2011. To determine the internal consistency, we used Cronbach’s alpha test with data from 60 donors who present adverse reaction during or after blood extraction procedure. Results: The designed instrument was integrated according to the reviewed literature and the comments and suggestions made be experts. To process the data, we used SPSS software version 2.0; to calculate the reliability of the instrument, we determined the consistency of Cronbach’s alpha, which yielded reliability coefficient of α = 0.915 with 134 elements analyzed. Conclusions: The validation is achieved and meets the objective of having an instrument that enables the recording of adverse reaction to blood and its components donation, thus supporting nursing performance in a systematic and orderly way.REFERENCES
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