2013, Number 4
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Medicentro 2013; 17 (4)
Concurrent validation of Experience Self-report
Fernández CE, Rodríguez MBC, Grau ÁJ, Montiel CVE, Toledo BY
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 151-158
PDF size: 116.11 Kb.
This investigation was aimed at concurrent validation of Experience Self-report in a sample of
supposedly healthy subjects. It was made during September, 2010 and June, 2011. A quantitative
paradigm was followed and a correlation study was carried out. The work sample was non
probabilistic intentional, it included 138 subjects between 18 and 60 years of age. A group of
techniques were used: Experience Self-report, Situational Inventory and Answers of Anxiety (ISRAB),
Beck Depression Inventory and Inventory of the showing of anger state-trait (STAXI-2).
Significant associations among different factors of Experience Self-report and previous validated
instruments were established. Psychological applied tests explained major part of variance analysis
of the different factors of Experience Self-report. Associations among general register tendency of
negative experience and these psychological tests were evidenced.
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